WTF roulette Blog

The new psychological study

The new psychological study found that women who were clamed as heterosexuals were aroused when exposed to stimulating female looks.


Fighting with complexes

Anyone who ceases on the path of self-improvement and self-development knows that in addition to any weaknesses he has certain complexes that hinder not only to work on themselves, but also to enjoy life. There is a great variety of different systems.


Let’s talk about gay people on the Internet and real life

According to the press release of one of the large adult websites, people in anti-gay states usually watch much more gay porn.


Effective communication

The phenomenon of loneliness is the universal and at the same time unique to each individual, widespread phenomenon in today's society.


Affair on the job – pros and cons

If we talk about office romance you should be ready for all its advantages and disadvantages and all unpredictable ridiculous details.
